§ 525-6. Industrial districts.
Latest version.
A.I-1 Industrial District.(1)Permitted uses and structures: automotive body repairs; automotive upholstery manufacturing; boat manufacturing; cleaning, pressing and dyeing establishments; commercial bakeries; commercial greenhouses; food locker and cold storage plants; testing and research laboratories; machine shops; manufactured homes; manufacturing and bottling of nonalcoholic beverages; printing and publishing establishments, storage and sale of lumber and home improvement products; trade and contractors' offices; warehousing and wholesaling of nonprohibited products; manufacturing, fabrication, packaging, and assembly of nonprohibited products from glass, metals, paper, plaster, plastics, textiles and wood; manufacture, fabrication, processing, packaging and packing of confections, cosmetics, electrical appliances, electronic devices, instruments, jewelry, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, and toiletries; food processing, except fish and fish products and meat and poultry products; canning and food preservation operations not involving outside storage; freight yards, freight terminals, and transshipment facilities; inside storage; parking and open areas; and veterinary clinics.[Amended 4-14-1998](2)Conditional uses and structures: automotive franchise dealerships; boat sales and service; farm machinery sales and service; animal boarding kennels; manufacture and/or processing and/or storage of abrasives, asphalt, batteries, bedding, candles, carpeting, celluloid, dry ice, cereals, charcoal, coffee, dextrine, disinfectant, dye, excelsior, fat, felt, fuel, furs, gelatin, glucose, glue, grains, grease, gypsum, hair products, ink, lard, leather, linoleum, matches, oil cloth, paint, paper, perfume, pickles, plaster of paris, plastics, portland cement, potash, rubber, shellac, soap, starch, stove polish, textiles, turpentine, vinegar, varnish, and yeast; bag cleaning, bleaching, canning, electric- and steam-generating, electroplating, enameling, road testing, smelting, and weaving facilities; forges; foundries; wrecking, junk demolition and scrap yard operations; and any other use or structure not expressly permitted.[Amended 4-14-1998](3)Prohibited uses: when it is the primary end product of the establishment, the manufacture and/or storage of acetylene, acid, alkalies, ammonia, chemicals, chlorine, coal tar, coke, creosote, explosives, fertilizer, flammables, gasoline, herbicides, insecticides, kerosene, lime and lime products, pulp, pyroxylin, radium, and other radioactive materials; any process involving the use of radioactive material; incinerators; sewage disposal plants; earth and sanitary landfill operations; nuclear waste storage and/or disposal; offal, rubbish, or animal reduction; oil, coal and bone distillation; refineries; slaughterhouses; stockyards; tanneries; other manufacture, processing or storage of materials or products prohibited by exception to the permitted and conditional uses; and any use which is found by the Village Board to be obnoxious, unhealthful, or offensive by reason of the potential emission or transmission of noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, toxic or noxious matter, glare or heat, or fire or explosive hazards.(4)Outside storage and manufacturing areas (fences). Such areas shall be surrounded by a solid fence or wall not less than six feet nor more than eight feet in height, or evergreen planting screen, which completely prevents a view of the area from any other property and shall have a five-foot setback from the right-of-way. This requirement also applies to wrecking, junk demolition, and scrap yard operations.(5)Lot size:(a)Width: 66 feet.(b)Area: 8,500 feet.(6)Building height: no limit.(7)Lot setbacks (minimum):(a)From street right-of-way: 20 feet.(b)From rear: 20 feet.(c)From side: 20 feet.(8)Parking. A minimum of one off-street parking space shall be provided for each vehicle maintained on the premises, plus one space shall be provided for each 1.3 employees. Number of employees shall be construed to mean the maximum number on the premises at one time.(a)For restaurants, parking spaces shall be provided equal in number to 30% of the patron capacity.(b)For garages involved in the storage, repair, and servicing of motor vehicles, one parking space shall be provided for each 200 square feet of gross building floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet.B.I-2 Industrial District.(1)Permitted uses and structures: all uses and structures permitted in the I-1 District, except automotive body repairs (unless in conjunction with an automotive franchise dealership) or portland cement manufacture or processing.(2)Conditional uses and structures. All conditional uses and structures permitted in the I-1 District and sewage disposal plants.(3)Prohibited uses. All uses prohibited in I-1 Industrial District, except sewage disposal plants. Also, wrecking, junk demolition, and scrap yard operations are prohibited.(4)Outside storage and manufacturing areas (fences). Such areas shall be surrounded by a solid fence or wall not less than six feet nor more than eight feet in height, or evergreen planting screen, which completely prevents a view of the area from any other property and shall have a five-foot setback from the right-of-way. This requirement also applies to wrecking, junk demolition, and scrap yard operations.(5)Lot size:(a)Width: 66 feet.(b)Area: 8,500 feet.(6)Building height: no limit.(7)Lot setbacks (minimum):(a)From street right-of-way: 20 feet.(b)From rear: 20 feet.(c)From side: 20 feet.(8)Green space. A minimum of 100 feet must be left undeveloped between a business (whether a structure or paved area) established within the scope of this zoning district and any existing residential area.(9)Parking: one off-street parking space for every 1.3 employees. Number of employees shall be construed to mean the maximum number on the premises at one time.(a)For restaurants, parking spaces shall be provided equal in number to 30% of the patron capacity.(b)For garages involved in the storage, repair, and servicing of motor vehicles, one parking space shall be provided for each 200 square feet of gross building floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet.(10)Off-street loading. Off-street loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum requirements for any business involving the manufacture, production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing, repair, or storage of materials, goods, or products:(a)Buildings containing 5,000 to 40,000 square feet: one loading berth.(b)Buildings containing 40,000 to 100,000 square feet: two loading berths.(c)For each additional 100,000 square feet: one additional loading berth.(d)Square feet refers to gross floor area. Each loading berth shall be not less than 12 feet in width by 55 feet in length.
Amended 7-13-1993